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Receptionist – Al Ahly Momkn for e-payment
About us
One of NBE’s company working in the field of information technology and communications using the latest technologies to facilitate payments in an easy, fast and safe way to our clients and through an integrated set of services such as recharging prepaid cellphones and postpaid bills and other bills like internet, electricity, water and e-governmental services including general directorate of traffic
Job Description
Greet visitors and candidates carefully to make the greatest positive impact and lasting impression on them.
Organize the booking of meeting rooms and outdoor events.to ensure everything runs smoothly without any conflict.
Facilitate POS payments for “employee’s expenses” to assist all staff members in paying their invoices.
Take care of complaints by returning all incoming calls, whether from overseas or domestically, to resolve them.
Make sure every shipment arrives by using the system’s shipping traces to stay up to date on the status of shipments.
Job Requirements
Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
1+ years of experience as a receptionist
Excellent Communication & Problem solving skills
Excellent English Language
Job Details
Experience Needed:
1 to 2 years
Career Level:
Entry Level (Junior Level / Fresh Grad)
Education Level:
Not Specified
Job Categories:
Apply Now
لأحدث الوظائف وايام التوظيف المفتوحة تابع قناة شغل علي تليجرام من هنا
وظائف قد تهمك ،
》موظفين حجوزات براتب يصل الى 10000 جنيها
》وظائف استقبال براتب 6000 جنيها
》سوشيال ميديا عن بعد براتب يصل الى 12000 جنيه
》وظائف خدمة عملاء براتب يصل الى 15000 جنيها
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